Sorry for lack of posts, I was trying to wait for some pictures of action shots but don't really have any. Anyways, finals are just around the corner and for once, I decided to stay at my apartment over the weekend to just buckle down and study.
A lot of crazy things have happened to my family over the past 2 weeks, and its beginning to affect me too. On top of that, school has been killing me as usual. Its almost over though, another week of hell and I am done! Summers here, new apartment, new roomates, work, play, drink, all of dat.
So the miata has been running, but not well. haha... As usual my car is a POS, the radiator is leaking, the slave is leaking, its eating oil, rattles everywhere, no rear window, blah blah.
Its a piece of shit, I am broke, but I still love it.
After last night, I remember the reason why I love this car, and cars in general. Just being out with friends in the middle of the week doing what we all love to do, in the midst of hundreds of stressors is one of the greatest relievers for me. So to all my late night friends, thank you for the good times. Its those little moments that get me by :-)
But its time for reality now, so I am sitting here writing on my blog, and not driving, and not hanging out. Haha.
Wish me luck on finals. Hopefully I can get my car to a better running position and enter more events.
Some random pictures.

The old ride height, that I miss :-( (Stupid RE-01Rs are so fat!)

Doing some figure 8s to get qualified for the intermediate track and DD20 in USAir

Getting teched by Earl at DD20, lookin high next to Tall Mark's beastly PS13

The only moving shot of my car, and its not too fancy as you can see. my car doesn't really make smoke... Haha, anyways thats corner 1, as I am about to link into corner 2, imagine hearing 3-4 clutch kicks every time I transitioned haha.
I guess I am not cool enough for KaizoPhoto shots yet haha, someday!!
Whew long post, I am done here.